The problem is , Miss take that many people are wrapped up in their own problems. The time of the friendly neighbour has long gone when people would help out with no thinking of what they can get out of it. The feeling today is " I'm alright Jack, too bad for you..." Here in france it is the same, we hear of child abuse, gangs doing as they want and giving hell to the people around them. If the decent folk were to realise that they are stronger and could rid their neighbourhood of these "people" then things might get better. It is not a question of "telling" to the cops but as long as honest citizens do nothing then these groups are drunk with their so-called power and continue to rule as they so wish.I heard a story out of the Bradford area where a young Pakistani girl was burnt to death in the street by her family cos she refused to knuckle down to the families rules. She wanted to be a modern girl , be with her friends , white or other and enjoy life. No-one in the street lifted a finger to save her. Here in france it is getting to be the same for the girls in the suburbs called difficult and are treated as sluts if they even show an interest in a boy. At times even if they are seen in their company!!